DSLR astrophotography by Sergi Verdugo

LDN673 and LDN684 in Aquila

Exposure: 19×600″ @ ISO 800
Lens: William Optics Megrez 88FD with Borg DG-L
Filter: Hutech IDAS LPS P2 MFA
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6 Pro
Camera: Cooled Canon 550D
Date: 14th July 2012
Location: Coll d’Ares, Àger (Lleida, Spain)
this is a very faint target, much more than I thought before imaging it.

The Aquila constellation lies a few degrees North of the celestial equator. The alpha star, Altair, is a vertex of the Summer Triangle asterism, near of it the Aquila Rift is found at and estimated distance of 600 light-years from the earth. Its dusty molecular clouds contain raw material to form new stars. This  close-up looks toward the region at a fragmented Aquila dark cloud complex identified as LDN 673 on the right and at another more homogeneous dark cloud complex identified as LDN 684 on the left of the image.