Exposure: 20×300″ + 18×300″ @ ISO 800
Lens: Nikon Nikkor 180ED f2.8 @ f3.3
Filter: Hutech IDAS LPS P2 MFA
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6 Pro
Camera: Cooled Canon 550D
Date: 23th June 2012
Location: Coll d’Ares, Àger (Lleida, Spain)
Comments: this picture is a two-frame mosaic
The Pipe Nebula (also known as Barnard 59, 65–67, and 78) is a dark nebula in the Ophiuchus constellation. It is a large dust lane that obscures the Milky Way star clouds behind it. Its shape resembles that of a smoking pipe. A small «S» shaped dark nebula called the Snake Nebula is visible at the mid upper part of the image.