DSLR astrophotography by Sergi Verdugo

The Witch Head nebula

Exposure: 11×600″ @ ISO 800
Lens: Nikon Nikkor 180ED f2.8 @ f3.3
Filter: Hutech IDAS LPS P2 MFA
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6 Pro
Camera: Cooled Canon 1000D
Date: 1st October 2011
Location: Coll d’Ares, Àger (Lleida, Spain)
Comments: 2nd try at this nebula this time with the Nikkor lens.

The Witch Head Nebula, formaly known as IC 2118, is an extremely faint reflection nebula believed to be an ancient supernova remnant or gas cloud illuminated by nearby  (about 40 light-years) supergiant star Rigel that lies at a distance from it of about. It lies about 900 light-years from Earth in the  constellation Eridanus. The nature of the dust particles, reflecting blue light better than red, is a factor in giving the Witch Head its blue color.